A podcast about two jawns trying.. well we trying dammit. We're "friends from college" discussing global sociopolitical affairs and our #ProblematicFavs. Hot taking, contemplating, ruminating, but mostly laughing the world around us. Morg STANS Solange. Shan STANS nail art. Both regard Kanye as a personal pet project for which to UPLIFT. #YeWhisper We're available on Soundcloud, Apple Podcasts (iTunes), Google Play, Stitcher, and Pocket Casts - search "Two Wise Jawns" ... subscribe! Email: TwoWiseJawns@gmail.com Instagram: @TwoWiseJawns Twitter: @TwoWiseJawns Morg's Twitter: @MorgBGreat Shan's Twitter: @DoneBunNews Facebook Page: Two Wise Jawns Podcast #TwoWiseJawns

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