Welcome to Think Cute® your new favorite podcast! Where we are disrupting toxic patterns of fear, anxiety, and more. Listen, I know that you know there is more to this life than what you are experiencing right now, but you just have no idea where to start to get the life of your dreams! That is where this podcast comes in because if I am honest I was you and let me tell you it can be painful being in a place you know you are not supposed to be in, right? Here's the good news, you do not have to do it all on your own! Girlfriend you are not called to do this transformation think all alone. We need community and collaboration. Please, If you are truly ready to live free from fear and anxiety and take that step into your true identity to experience greater success in life and business lean in and listen to each episode intentionally with the objective of, I am listening so I can learn and implement. We are not interested in just collecting info around here, we are action-takers and curse-breakers, pushing back the gates of hell! Let me partner through every episode. 

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