Surfing Sisterhood Taiwan 衝浪雙椒

Surfing Sisterhood Taiwan 衝浪雙椒

Daisy和Cindy是兩位充滿熱情的浪人。相似的童年背景及個性,讓她們2017年第一次相遇就成為超要好的姊妹。加入Daisy和Cindy了解她們的衝浪故事、知識、衝浪術語及更多有趣的內容! Daisy在美國加州和台灣長大,目前從事公關和活動相關工作。Cindy在以色列、加拿大和台灣長大,是個斜槓freelancer及英文老師。她們於2017年開始固定衝浪。 Daisy and Cindy are passionate surfers from Taiwan. With similar background and personality, they became close friends in 2017. Join them to learn about their surf stories, knowledge, surf terms and more! Daisy grew up in the US and Taiwan and is now working in PR & event. Cindy grew up in Israel, Canada, and Taiwan and is now working as freelancer and English teacher. They started surfing regularly since 2017.

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