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How Yoga Changed My Life

How Yoga Changed My Life

How Yoga Changed My Life
Weekly podcast. Next episode on Monday.

Join Mia and Adrienne as they interview everyday people and learn how yoga has impacted their life. Listen as they demystify the yoga studio and break down the barriers and misconceptions of what yoga truly is all about. Whatever your experiences with yoga, this podcast will shed light on the "why" yoga changes your life! This yoga, meditation, and breath work podcast is based in San Antonio, Texas. 

 For more, go to 

Follow us @yogachanged 

Wanna share your yoga story? Send us a email at

The theme music for this episode, “Cenote Angelita”, was written and produced by Mar Abajo Rio AKA MAR Yoga Music. Dive deeper into this and other original yoga-inspired compositions by visiting For the latest updates on upcoming events featuring his live music for yoga and meditation, be sure to follow @maryogamusic on Instagram. 

120 episodes  •  0 archived  •  
S3 E118Meditate with Shelby
March 10
15 mins
S3 E117Creating Good Foundations
March 4
1h 26m
S3 E116116. Start your Morning with Gratitude Meditation
February 24
11 mins
S3 E115115. The lesson that prepares you for the next lesson; Brandon's Story
February 17
1h 15m
S3 E2Growth Mindset Meditation
February 12
9 mins
S3 E113Season 3 Campbell's Story
February 3
51 mins
January 27
47 mins
S2 E111111. Release, Relax & Restore Meditation with Natalie
January 20
15 mins
S2 E110110. Connection & Community Meditation
January 13
11 mins