Inner Rebel

Melissa Bauknight & Jessica Rose

We're Melissa Bauknight, a. savvy soul business coach and founder of The Nova, and Jessica Rose, an actress and human design coach. Together, we shatter conventions and dive heart-first into raw, unfiltered conversations with the world's most audacious game-changers and visionaries to unpack what it takes to fearlessly pursue unconventional dreams.  From the lows to the exhilarating highs, Inner Rebel delves into the nitty-gritty of shaping a life that's unapologetically yours.  Embracing our Inner Rebel means breaking free from expectations, daring to question conventional wisdom, and bravely venturing down the path less traveled. It's a rollercoaster of challenges and uncertainty, but we're here to remind you: you're never alone in pursuing your dreams. When we come together in our hot mess of humanity, we unlock the power of connection and create a sense of belonging within ourselves and the world around us. This podcast is inspiration and a soul-deep community all in one place. 

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