The Smocktail Club | 薰樂會

The Smocktail Club ‎| 薰樂會

我們是兩個愛丁堡大學的畢業生,不約而同12歲出國留學,在異國文化中成長並認識世界。歡迎收聽薰樂會,了解第三文化孩子的視角 & 聆聽我們分享人生中的所見所聞。 The Smocktail Club 的靈感來自於Smell(聞)和 Mocktail(仿雞尾酒) 的組合,以味道揭開故事帷幕,暢聊如同無酒精雞尾酒般醺而不醉的有趣軼事,不限年齡,大家都能淺酌體驗。 The Smocktail Club was inspired by the words ‘smell’ and ‘mocktail’, as we wanted a name that represents what we want to bring and who we are. We believe stories can be told through the smells that remind us of it, and our experience growing up in different cultures are like mocktails which everyone can enjoy, regardless of age or ability to drink! Instagram: @The_SmocktailClub More information: #英國留學生活 #經驗分享 #SipYourSmocktail #DrunkInCulture -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

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