Vote With Power podcast Save your freedom through a hybid form of democracy to save Americans Freedom
Vote With Power podcast Save your freedom through a hybid form of democracy to save Americans Freedom
Americans are suffering due to problems not being solved and the death of democracy due to politics. Find out what you can do about it. Within these podcast you can find out about is a new hybrid form of democracy and a civil liberties movement.
150 episodes • 0 archived •
S4 E150VWP podcast 150 Will you take advantage of this opportunity to greatly improve your life?
March 7
28 mins
S4 E149VWP podcast 149 Will Chaos destroy your life?
March 4
26 mins
S4 E148VWP podcast 148 America needs a unity CZAR will you help?
February 28
19 mins
S4 E147VWP podcast 147 Your future is stuck and controlled by conditions and circumstances
February 25
18 mins
S4 E146VWP podcast 146 A new approach for raising successful and happy children
February 21
31 mins
S4 E145VWP podcast 145 Save America now or loose it forever.
February 18
17 mins
S4 E144VWP podcast 144 To be a good parent you need to teach your children to live with HART
February 13
16 mins
S4 E143VWP podcast 143 Parents, help your children have a better life by eliminating their enemies.
February 11
16 mins