The Ultimate Shift

Ephraim Glick

The "Ultimate Shift" podcast is a show where Ephraim interviews people who have overcome that shift of just living and have transitioned their life into loving what they do and living life by design. We often tend to believe that those who are living their dream life or those who have that great career just have something that we don't. We tend to believe they have a talent that we just cant achieve. That success comes to them because they are special. The goal of this show is to humanize people and help you the listener or the viewer realize that everyone has had ultimate shifts that they have had to overcome. Sometimes its wounds from our past or childhood but through vulnerability and choice these influential people have chosen to push past their fears in order to live their life by design. The goal is to help you realize that you too can achieve anything you set your mind too. If the show has helped you overcome your fears or obstacles please reach out and let us know! We would love to hear from you.

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