We are back at UX Copenhagen! With Coronavirus taking the conference fully online this year, we’re running a number of special remote podcast episodes called “Making Friends with… "
In this series, a member of the Tech for Good Live team will spend some time chatting to one of the UX Copenhagen speakers, and by the end of it we’ll be best friends. GUARANTEED.
First up, we have Per Axbom.
During his work with the handbook 'Digital Compassion', and related workshops that he hosts, Per has often come across misconceptions about how an ethical mindset constrains innovation and creativity. But he has found that on the contrary, even medical ethics encourages risk-taking, and innovation in the field is booming.
The field of medical ethics has evolved for thousands of years. Per’s talk at UX Copenhagen took all of these (and more) aspects into account, and showed us how digital design can keep innovating in unison with ethics, instead of assuming a conflict with innovation that is more imagined than real.
In this episode, he talks to Bex about the complexity of ethics in design.
Find out more about Per at axbom.eu and have a listen to his podcast UX Podcast.
Listeners, what did you think? We’d love to hear your thoughts. Get in touch on twitter @techforgoodlive or Email at hello@techforgood.live
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Thanks to the wonderful podcast.co for hosting us in a beautiful mirrored studio. Which you can’t see. But it is pretty. If you want to create a podcast, you can find everything you need on their website.
We’d also like to thank Happy Porch for their sponsorship which will allow us to have our episodes transcribed, helping us be more inclusive and accessible. Happy Porch provide strategy, technology and development for purpose driven organisations. You can find out more about them at happyporch.com