#132 - Rock the Tech Stage With Public Speaking and Killer Demo - Oscar Santolalla

Monday 8 May 2023

“Speak about topics you are passionate about, because if you are passionate about something, you can easily find the story and the motivation that will lead you to success." Oscar Santolalla is the author of “Rock the Tech Stage” and the host of the “Time to Shine” podcast. In this episode, we discussed techniques on how to deliver a successful tech presentation and demo. Oscar broke down the elements of a successful tech presentation, in particular, explaining in-depth the three essential elements of passion, storytelling, and interaction. Oscar also shared some practical tips on how to deliver a killer product demo, some presentation slides hacks, and insights on how we can use our voice more effectively when delivering talks.   Listen out for: Career Journey - [00:03:47] Writing Public Demo and Public Speaking Books - [00:08:40] Elements of a Successful Public Speaking - [00:12:52] Passion - [00:23:10] Storytelling - [00:25:20] Delivering Product Demos - [00:28:55] Presentation Slides - [0

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