
It's Halloween! And on this episode of Gimme That Star Trek, Siskoid and his guest Paul Kien watch a bunch of Star Trek episodes deemed among the scariest in the franchise to ascertain if Star Trek and horror can mix! Catch all the chills (and insights) as two podcasters dare enter the darkened holodeck with the safeties off. Listen to Gimme That Star Trek Episode 65 below! Or subscribe to Gimme That Star Trek on Apple or Spotify! This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK! Visit our WEBSITE: http://fireandwaterpodcast.com/ Follow us on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/FWPodcasts Like our FACEBOOK page: https://www.facebook.com/FWPodcastNetwork Use our HASHTAG online: #FWPodcasts Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/fwpodcasts Subscribe via iTunes as part of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK. Credits: "Star Trek Theme" by Alexander Courage, with the Irredeemable Shag on vocals. End theme: "Deep Space Nine Theme" by Dennis McCarthy. Bonus clips from: Star T

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