#156 - Making Work Visible: Exposing Time Theft to Optimize Work & Flow - Dominica DeGrandis
“The five thieves of time are: too much work in progress, conflicting priorities, unplanned work, unknown dependencies, and neglected work." Dominica DeGrandis is the author of “Making Work Visible”. In this episode, we discussed how we can optimize our workflow and reclaim control of our work and time. Dominica unveiled the concept of the five thieves of time that rob us of our productivity, that includes too much work-in-progress (WIP), conflicting priorities, unplanned work, unknown dependencies, and neglected work. She also shared actionable practices and tips on dealing with each of these thieves. Towards the end, Dominica emphasized the importance of bringing visibility to and measuring the flow of what leadership and customers care about - the delivery of customer value—big picture items that span end-to-end value streams. Listen out for: Career Journey - [00:03:47] Making Work Visible & Five Thieves of Time - [00:08:45] Thief: Too Much WIP - [00:15:31] WIP is a Leading Indicator - [00:18: