#157 Pierre Delecto and the Spooky Adventure

Thursday 20 February 2020

This week, we talk to the world’s most obsessive tracker of politicians' secret online lives. And ask for help on a very spooky mission. Further Reading: Ashley's article on James Comey's secret twitter and instagram accounts: https://gizmodo.com/this-is-almost-certainly-james-comey-s-twitter-account-1793843641 Ashley's article on Mitt Romney's secret twitter account: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/10/mitt-romney-has-a-secret-twitter-account-and-it-sure-looks-like-its-this-one.html Ashley's article on Pete Buttigieg's Wikipedia page: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/12/pete-buttigieg-wikipedia-page-editor.html Find out more about our summer and fall internships here: https://gimletmedia.com/shows/reply-all/posts/internships

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