One Question Friday: Where Did You Succeed Where Others Did Not?

Friday 15 July 2022

Shaan Puri (@ShaanVP) answers one listener's question: What did you do differently that allowed you to succeed, that you think other people who had similar circumstances to you, did not? Where did you succeed where they did not? To submit your question and hear yourself on My First Million, go to and click on the circle with the microphone in the lower right hand corner. ----- Links: * Do you love MFM and want to see Sam and Shaan's smiling faces? Subscribe to our Youtube channel. * Want more insights like MFM? Check out Shaan's newsletter. ----- Past guests on My First Million include Rob Dyrdek, Hasan Minhaj, Balaji Srinivasan, Jake Paul, Dr. Andrew Huberman, Gary Vee, Lance Armstrong, Sophia Amoruso, Ariel Helwani, Ramit Sethi, Stanley Druckenmiller, Peter Diamandis, Dharmesh Shah, Brian Halligan, Marc Lore, Jason Calacanis, Andrew Wilkinson, Julian Shapiro, Kat Cole, Codie Sanchez, Nader Al-Naji, Steph Smith, Trung Phan, Nick Huber, Anthony Pompliano, Ben Askren, Ramon Van Meer, Brianne Kim

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