
David has finally roped Stephen into talking about email. Topics include email services, apps and strategies. Later in the show, they are joined by Rosemary Orchard and Myke Hurley to hear about two specific apps they use every day.

This episode of Mac Power Users is sponsored by:

  • 1Password: Have you ever forgotten a password? You don't have to worry about that anymore.
  • DEVONthink: Get Organized — Unleash Your Creativity. Use this link for 10% off.
  • TextExpander from Smile: Get 20% off with this link and type more with less effort! Expand short abbreviations into longer bits of text, even fill-ins, with TextExpander from Smile.
  • Squarespace: Make your next move. Enter offer code MPU at checkout to get 10% off your first purchase.

Guest Starring:

Rosemary Orchard and Myke Hurley

Links and Show Notes:

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Hover Email
Silent email filtering makes iCloud an unreliable option | Macworld
Mac Power Users #469: Running a Business with G Suite - Relay FM
‎Microsoft Outlook
Improved AppleScript to Automatically Insert Recipient's Name in Apple Mail using TextExpander — MacSparky
A Case Study in Phishing — MacSparky
Edison Mail Sync Bug Allowing Access to Other Users' Email Accounts [Updated] - MacRumors