MASS Office Hours Episode 33 (Mini-Cuts + Q&A)

Sunday 28 April 2024

In this episode of MASS Office Hours Live, Dr. Eric Trexler and Dr. Eric Helms dive into a comprehensive discussion on the topic of mini cuts, exploring their definition, common justifications for their use, and the hosts' perspectives on their potential benefits and drawbacks. The conversation then shifts to answering a variety of listener questions from the live chat, covering nutrition-related topics such as blood sugar management in healthy individuals, the necessity of a "maintenance" phase between bulking and cutting, saturated fat intake recommendations for high-calorie diets, fiber intake guidelines, and strategies for troubleshooting gastrointestinal issues related to specific foods. The hosts also address training-related questions, including the role of unilateral exercises in preventing muscle imbalances and injuries, optimal rep ranges for specific adaptations, high-frequency training for smaller muscle groups, and the challenge of distinguishing between diet fatigue and pushing beyond one's lower intervention point during a cutting phase. Trexler and Helms round out the episode by discussing the concept of energy compensation in the context of high-energy expenditure sports, touching on research related to metabolic ceilings and the limits of sustainable energy expenditure, as well as the notion of low energy availability in athletes.

You can download the free time-efficient training guide here:

The MASS crew goes live for Office Hours every Wednesday night at 7pm eastern time. Be sure to join us for a future episode! 

If you'd like to submit a question ahead of time, please use this link:

Time stamps:

0:00 - Intro

0:40 - Helms discusses his recent trip to Australia for the Sports Nutrition Association conference

8:16 - Discussion on mini cuts - what they are, why people use them, and Trexler and Helms' thoughts on their utility and drawbacks

39:18 - Q&A from the live chat begins

42:29 - Question about whether blood sugar spikes should be minimized in healthy individuals

44:13 - Question about whether a break is needed between bulking and cutting phases for muscle to "solidify"

49:12 - Does being sick accelerate muscle loss while in a caloric deficit?

52:26 - Question about whether unilateral exercises are needed to prevent muscle imbalances and injuries

56:42 - Question about how to determine optimal high rep ranges for specific benefits

1:01:38 - Question about saturated fat intake recommendations for individuals with very high calorie needs

1:03:46 - Question about fiber intake recommendations and troubleshooting GI issues that may be related to certain foods

1:13:27 - Question about distinguishing between diet fatigue and pushing past one's lower intervention point when cutting

1:16:55 - Question about training smaller muscles with high frequency and volume

1:18:26 - Question about whether energy compensation can be overcome with high energy expenditure sports; Trexler discusses research on metabolic ceilings and limits to sustainable energy expenditure

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