230: A Critique Of Content Creation With The Space-Biff

Wednesday 7 July 2021

One Stop Co-Op Shop is a podcast about cooperative boardgames. Game designers & publishers, Peter Gousis & Michael Kelley host the podcast.

Every other week we take one game and break it down to it's top 5 points (the good, the bad and our overall impressions). After we discuss the game we have a design discussion about one of the parts of the game.

We will also have occasional podcasts reviewing solo games, and other special episodes.

To see our other content check out the links below:
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrOtGhui_jdLdoQNI7PU4Pg
Podcast - https://soundcloud.com/onestopcoopshop
Discord - https://discord.gg/p4jX8AF
Facebook - www.facebook.com/onestopcoopshop
Donate to One Stop Co-op Shop - https://www.patreon.com/onestop
Email - onestopcoopshop@gmail.com

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