Don't Forget Your Tickets
Don't Forget Your Tickets
Carl-Erik Michalsen Moberg
Weekly podcast. Next episode on Monday.
Don' Forget Your Tickets is a podcast devoted to the unsung heroes of the spectator sports and events industries, the Ticketing Managers. We explore who they are, their well-guarded industry secrets, and how they entered the field. Beyond that, we delve into a broader ticketing realm, inviting experts from various fields to share their insights and stories. Our primary aim is to add value and highlight deserving individuals.
(The podcast was originally named TicketingPodcast.com)
59 episodes • 0 archived •
S6 E12Dominik Schreyer (interviewed by Thom Airs) on The Future of Ticketing - A Live Special from Emirates Stadium in London
March 10
22 mins
S6 E11Steve Kavanagh (interviewed by Greig Box Turnbull) on Bridging Financial Gaps in English Football - A Live Special from Emirates Stadium in London
March 10
23 mins
S6 E10Martin Dunford (interviewed by Alex Eagle) on the Digital Transformation of Football Fan Engagement - A Live Special from Emirates Stadium in London
March 3
13 mins
S6 E9Mads Liabø and Carl-Erik Moberg (interviewed by Clare Kenny) on Balancing Tradition and Innovation in Today's Football - A Live Special from Emirates Stadium in London
March 3
22 mins
S6 E8Phil Carling (interviewed by Adam Leventhal) on the Commercial Landscape of Football - A Live Special from Emirates Stadium in London
February 24
24 mins
S6 E7Kjetil Sørtun (interviewed by Preyan De Silva) on Next-Gen Ticketing and Personalised Fan Experiences - - A Live Special from Emirates Stadium in London
February 24
18 mins
S6 E7Kevin Dixon (interviewed by Alex Eagle) on the Evolution of Stadium Access Control Technology - A Live Special from Emirates Stadium in London
February 17
14 mins
S6 E6Sophie Downey and Rachel O'Sullivan (interviewed by Thom Airs) on Transforming Women's Football from Visibility to Vibrant Growth - A Live Special from Emirates Stadium in London
February 17
21 mins
S6 E5David Kynaston (interviewed by Greig Box Turnbull) on Life Long Loyalty to Small Town Football Clubs - A Live Special from Emirates Stadium in London
February 10
21 mins