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Real Organic Podcast

Real Organic Podcast

Real Organic Project
Weekly podcast. Next episode on Sunday.

Farmers interview scientists, activists, politicians, and authors engaged in protecting USDA organic food against an active corporate takeover. Real Organic Project released its add-on food label in stores and markets in 2021,  and is focused on introducing eaters across the United States to our movement and its allies. In this podcast series, you'll meet the best organic and regenerative farmers around, as well as journalists, climate experts, policy makers and chefs (Dr. Vandana Shiva, Paul Hawken, Leah Penniman, Bill Mckibben, Alice Waters, Dan Barber, and Eliot Coleman - to name a few!) who support our mission and have lent their voices and insights to explaining the importance of keeping corporate cheaters out of the real food movement. As bad players aim to redefine what food is for the sake of their own profits, we believe there is too much at stake for both human and planetary health today and into the future. Feed the soil, not the plant!! 

220 episodes  •  0 archived  •  
E213Jennifer Pett-Ridge: Carbon Cycling on Organic Farms
March 9
54 mins
Dr. Elena R. Álvarez-Buylla: The Science of GM Corn Risks
March 4
27 mins
E212Ronald Valentin: The Natural Power of Biological Control
March 2
1h 4m
E211Bernward Geier: Doing Right In The Wrong System
February 23
1 hr
E210Chuck Benbrook: What Monsanto Knew About Glyphosate
February 16
1h 17m
E209Nora Taleb: A Farmer-Led (R)Evolution
February 9
31 mins
E208Warren Weber: Youthful Optimism And Embracing The Unknown
February 2
53 mins
E207Will Allen: Chemicals, Cotton and CAFOs in California
January 26
51 mins
E206Do Hydroponics Belong In Organic? Anthony Suau Interviews Dave Chapman
January 19
15 mins
E205Scott Park: A Normal CA Farm Farmed Abnormally
January 12
26 mins