We’re losing the illusion that we live in a classless country. But it remains a deeply uncomfortable subject for some and most of the talking about class is been done by people who benefit from the status quo: middle class, private school and tertiary educated. That is, THE AUSTRALIAN MEDIA. Up Ya Class is a counter-point. Hosted by veteran podcaster and comedian Dave O’Neil, slightly less veteran broadcaster and comedian Nelly Thomas, and actual working person with no podcast experience whatsoever – but a real job - Shane Laing. All 3 presenters are originally rough trade and they will dissect the news, culture, history and politics with a class lens. They will probably also talk quite a lot about food. Up Your Class: a podcast brought to you by 3 Bogans with hearts of gold, union cards, and an eye for a good all-you-can-eat buffet. Produced and published by Nearly.

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