Power 3.0 | Authoritarian Resurgence, Democratic Resilience
International Forum for Democratic Studies
The Power 3.0 podcast explores cutting-edge research and ideas about authoritarian resurgence, democratic resilience, and other emergent trends in democracy studies, such as disinformation and transnational kleptocracy. Produced by the International Forum for Democratic Studies at the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) in Washington, DC, Power 3.0 examines how modern authoritarian regimes like those in China and Russia have in some ways leapfrogged democracies through exploiting aspects of globalization: the interconnected economic and financial system; communication technologies, social media networks and other features of the Internet; international norms and institutions; global media; academic openness and exchange; and culture. For further discussion and resources, visit our Power 3.0 blog, www.power3point0.org, or the NED website, www.ned.org/ideas. Follow us on Twitter @thinkdemocracy and on Facebook www.facebook.com/thinkdemocracy.