The Disruptors

Matt Ward

Long-form TED level conversations with top thinkers, founders and scientists on how advances in biotech & genomics, space travel, IoT, AI and other exponential tech converge to create our collective future and what we can do, from a research and policy perspective to shape the technology, trends and societal norms for a better world. If in-depth, unscripted conversations with the researchers, startups and future thinkers transforming our future in a Tim Ferriss meets Sam Harris, Kara Swisher, a16z and Joe Rogan Experience type no-holds-barred interview show is your cup of tea you’ve come to the right place. Some episodes feature Intelligence Squared esque lively debates and Planet Money like in-depth discussions on health and intermittent fasting, automation and unemployment, healthcare, the economy, etc... while others would fit right in with a Kevin Rose or Jason Calacanis casual fireside chat. We cover EVERYTHING, from artificial intelligence, the ethics, economics and leadership of our coming century, futurism, combatting climate change, fixing blockchain and redesigning democracy and politics from the ground up. Longevity, virtual reality, surveillance capitalism and social media... we got it all. Past guests including Douglas Rushkoff of Team Human, Isaac Arthur of SFiA, Cory Doctorow, Nikola Danaylov of SingularityFM, Fraser Cain of Astronomy Cast, Aubrey de Grey, presidential advisors, top economists, venture capital investors and more... Visit our site and download our FREE Existential Risk Guide: Love great podcasts? We curate the best of the best around the web. Get our Exclusive Top Notch Tuesday roundup: About the host: Matt Ward is a serial entrepreneur, investor, futurist, startup advisor and business consultant whose built and sold 3 companies, created multiple top podcasts and is focused on building a better world through innovation and entrepreneurship.

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