028 成功人士的晨间习惯

Sunday 24 January 2021

一日之计在于晨,happy 持续一年早起后,觉得这件事情对个人效率帮助最大。通过介绍「What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast」和「My Morning Routine」这两本书的精华要点,以及 Tim Ferriss 等成功人士的早起习惯,分享了很多实用建议和心得。 链接: How to Create a Better Morning Routine 📝 为什么要写 morning pages What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast Laura Vanderkam My Morning Routine Calm RyanHoliday Farnam Street Julie Zhuo Austin Kleon ------ happy xiao blog - happy xiao | IT’S TIME TO BUILD newsletter - Newsletter - 一人公司 Twitter - happy xiao 🎙 (@coolXiao) / Twitter email - happy@hey.com

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