P72. Presidential Basketball Draft

Wednesday 24 February 2021

Keev and Alex and guest Jason Steinhauer draft basketball teams made up exclusively of US presidents. Hat tip to Justin Ramsay for the idea. This is a "Patron Preview" of 32 Fans Patron Episode #72. For Patron Episode #74, the guys provided play-by-play of the three teams playing each other in NBA 2K. If you're not interested in becoming a Patron, you can still click here to watch the video without the podcast. Jason Steinhauer served as founding director of the Lepage Center for History in the Public Interest, is a Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute, and is a contributor to CNN and TIME. He's also the founder and host of the History Club on Clubhouse and historian-in-residence at the new media startup, MTTR. He is currently writing a book about history on the Internet. @JasonSteinhauer.

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