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Creativity Tip 21: Think Less, Play More
Creative Codex

Creativity Tip 21: Think Less, Play More

Aug 6, 2023
14 mins

Episode Description

What is the hidden link between play and creativity? Why do we discourage adults from play? How do you heal your relationship with play and improve your creativity?

As we journey from childhood into adulthood, the world demands that we abandon play and daydream–relegating them to the domain of childhood. But of the many sacrifices we all must make in our transition into adulthood, this sacrifice is the most damaging to our creativity. It's time we heal our relationship with play and reimagine its place in our daily lives. On this Creativity Tip minisode we attempt to do just that.


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All Music by MJDorian (except Gnossiene No. 1 by Erik Satie)

Written & Produced by MJDorian


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Creative Codex is written & produced by MJDorian.

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