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教育!向東走?向西走? Education! Towards to Eastern or Western?

教育!向東走?向西走? Education! Towards to Eastern or Western?

Betty & Laura
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我們是Betty & Laura,兩個在臺灣各自親身經歷過臺灣的高等教育後,對臺灣教育有『很多看法』的女生。 因此,在各自經歷過約莫5年跟教育相關的工作經驗後,Betty決定來到芬蘭留學去親身體驗芬蘭的教育神話。Laura則是決定到英國留學,認識西方的教育管理和教育創新。兩個人都希望透過自身的感受和體驗,能更深刻地感受並找到臺灣教育所缺失的那塊拼圖。 這個頻道是分享透過我們兩個自身的經歷和感受,聊聊因為東西方教育體制和操作方式的不同,進而造成教育感受和認知差異的頻道。 We are Betty & Laura, two girls who have "a lot of thoughts" on Taiwanese education after experiencing higher education in Taiwan. Therefore, after each of us experienced in the education-related working experiences for 5 years. Betty decided to study in Finland to experiencing the Finnish educational myth. Laura decided to study in the UK to learn about Western educational management and educational innovation. Both of them hope that they can feel more deeply and find the missing piece for Taiwan's education after their own studying experiences. This channel is a channel for sharing our own experiences and personal perspective. Also discussing the educational experience and self-reflection caused by the differences in education systems and pedagogies between Eastern and Western education. Powered by Firstory Hosting
8 episodes  •  0 archived  •  
EdGlo episode 02- What do we take away from this Master's program in Finland?
Aug 17, 2021
1h 6m
EdGlo episode 01- What do we take away from this Master's program in Finland?
Jul 11, 2021
45 mins
我們在英國和芬蘭歷經遠距教學這段時間的心路歷程 (下集) The journey that we have been through distance learning in the United Kingdom and Finland (Part 2)
Jul 3, 2021
38 mins
我們在英國和芬蘭歷經遠距教學這段時間的心路歷程(上集) The journey that we have been through distance learning in the United Kingdom and Finland (Part 1)
Jul 3, 2021
52 mins
家長對孩子求學的影響? Do parents influence their children’s Schooling?
May 12, 2021
23 mins
你覺得學習可以量化嗎?Do you think learning can be quantified?
Mar 10, 2021
16 mins
我們在英國和芬蘭的教育過程中觀察到什麼?What do we observe in the educational process in the UK and Finland?
Dec 20, 2020
28 mins
芬蘭的碩士學習作業-learning diary
Sep 16, 2020
30 mins