If you're ready to fully own your Soul's Truth & Divine Power as the badass light leader you were born to be, this podcast is for YOU ⚡️Join Lisa Moore, Divine Power Healer, Activator & Speaker, as she illuminates the subconscious limitations that keep you feeling trapped, small & hiding.In each episode, you'll be empowered to break free from fear, scarcity & limitation, and step confidently into a life you love, fully aligned with your Soul's Truth & Purpose. Activating your Divine Power to create your Soul's Desires, shine your light bright & raise collective consciousness as we birth a new 5D world together.Prepare to receive profound insights, powerful activations & practical tools, as Lisa shares intimate behind-the-scenes revelations and delves into the journey of higher consciousness, Divine Leadership & envisioning a golden future for the greater good of all.It's Divine Time to heal, rise & co-create a new world together - join Lisa and the GILTY gold movement today! ⚡👑⚡️www.houseofgilt.co / Instagram: @houseofgilt.co / YouTube: @houseofgilt.co 

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