Throughout my life I've made...a lot of content, and what I am most proud of is that I've effectively documented my life in segments.  I have "I knew it productions" for my teens and early twenties, "Shwangzorz" for my 20s, Memory Meat for the depression post military times, and I've been creating as TravisHobertStraw for my thirties.  Now I'm on the verge of getting married, and starting a whole new part of my life, probably the next 30 years or so, and I'm going to capture that with Frantic Purpose.  Frantic Purpose is a concept I use to describe how I attack life.  I am compelled to always be doing something, terrified of wasting any precious time, I'll talk more about it.  This podcast is life as I experience it.  I hope to make you laugh, offer insights, maybe piss you off, and generally stimulate your mind with interesting commentary.  If you're listening it'll be because of my refreshing take on things, and possibly the soothing tambors of my voice.  Join me in the next 30 years in life, and the pursuit of Frantic Purpose.

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