It’s time for women to be excited, curious, and even turned on by starting the second half of their life. This is the show for women over 40 who are looking for support, community, and conversation about everything that goes along with this season. From sexual health and wellness to sexual exploration… finances, monogamy, and relationships, no topic is off-limits. Join hostesses of the Scarlet Society and their special guests, as they unapologetically help normalize women’s sexual health and wellness. You’re going to leave each episode inspired to explore who it is you really want to be in the second half of your life. For many women, this is the time when their kids are growing up and they have established themselves in a career, and they’re wondering what’s next. Is there something more? The answer is an overwhelming YES. This is an exciting time, and it can also be a difficult time, but The Scarlet Society podcast is here to invite you to slow down, take a breath, and explore what’s actually out there waiting for you to discover. Learn more about the podcast here:

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