For young women who feel like they have to choose between work and me, you don't.I'm just like you. Culture told me I had to pick one path—be a career woman or raise a family—but I knew I wouldn't be satisfied or fulfilled picking just one.I wanted a sense of self.But I still wanted love.I wanted to work.But I still wanted to have time with my kids.It didn't seem right that I could only have I spent the next few years looking for an alternative path.Spoiler alert: I found it.Welcome to the In Bloom podcast where I explore what it means to flourish as a woman in today's society.I talk to other women, mothers, and leaders about topics we are curious about.Some topics include love and relationships, self-care, careers, business, fulfillment, femininity, biology, habits, values, religion/spirituality, and more.Don't settle for a life of either-or. Learn how to do both, the right way, from the people who have already done it, and studied it for years. 

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