Being You with Lisa Raleigh and Stafford Masie

Solid Gold Podcasts #BeHeard

Demystifying YOUR wellness. Your definitive guide to cutting through the clutter of health, fitness, & wellness jargon. Co-hosts Lisa & Stafford (who are married) bring an engaging, informal touch to essential topics, transforming complex concepts into easily digestible, actionable knowledge. Our purpose? To empower you with the understanding you need to enhance your life. We bring to the table expert guests from diverse fields, each contributing their unique insights, helping you make sense of trending health narratives. Each episode will equip you with practical nuggets of wisdom, ready to be woven into your daily routines. Embark on this WHOLENESS journey with us, where learning becomes an inspiring, life-changing experience. Lisa Raleigh is a health & wellness expert, author of several books, and has established one of the largest Fitness/Wholeness brands in South Africa. Her business combines bounti (rebounding equipment, workouts & digital services), Body Kind (premium athleisure), and Lr (dietetics, DNA, nutrition, & supplements) into an all-encompassing personal transformation platform. She has over 20 years of experience helping individuals live their best lives and also expands this service into enterprises to personify and implement impactful and sustainable wellness strategies. Stafford Masie is just some geek asking dumb questions :) Reach out via: or tel:+27605038019

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