Krononaut Chronicles

William Strutner

By the mere fact of your existence, you are a Krononaut. A Krononaut is a time traveler. We are all traveling through time, together, creating the world as we see it in our likeness. In order that we may do so effectively, we remember that we all exist in the Eternal Now. In so doing, we transcend time and sail up and over its undulations. Five Krononauts decide to chronicle their experiences as they navigate through the vastness of consciousness. Each episode, Bill and at least one other Krononaut, will delve into fourth dimensional navigation techniques as well as whatever else Father Time presents to them. Listen Live or Chat Visit the Krononaut Chronicles Website Visit our sponsor Mystical Wares Online Metaphysical & Crystal Store Use Coupon Code 'SAVE10' for 10% Off Your Entire Online Order!

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