As the host of The Early Years Create Podcast, Tasha is here to help early childhood practitioners and anyone interested in childcare as a profession make the shift from teacher directed learning to play based learning.A CPD styled podcast which includes provocation questions to start and reflection questions at the end. Each episode also comes with its own unique reflection styled booklet tailored to the podcast episode of that week (completely FREE) with the aim to help you improve your practice whether it is individually, as a team, NQT's or in pairs.​Whatever your focus is, you are sure to leave each podcast episode with carefully focused outcomes ready to take action and improve your practice.  The Early Years Create Podcast is here to help you find the magic in play based learning and child centered learning environments.Our goal with The Early Years Create Podcast is to empower early career teachers in the field of early childhood, continue spreading the word and advocating for the highest form of pure learning for children from birth to five (PLAY) and providing inspirational takeaways by speaking with experienced and insightful leaders in the world of preschool and early learning today.

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