Uncover the secrets of pioneers making a difference in their field. A mix of entrepreneurs, leaders and creative professionals, they’re united by one purpose – to change the game.Definition: Game Changers –‘an event, idea, or procedure that affects a significant shift in the current manner of doing or thinking about something.’Whether it’s in tech, business, philanthropy, or elsewhere, each guest has a proven record of doing things differently. The Game Changers push their industries forward and shape new areas of society – and this podcast finds out how they do it.Throughout these deep dives, you’ll be inspired by stories of how they make an impact, and how they stand out from the crowd. Subscribe to the channel to learn how to become a Game Changer in your own industry. ---At Synextra, we’re more than just a cloud service provider – we’re your biggest fans and cheerleaders. We make it our mission to help you along the awesome and exciting journey towards digital superiority. Every customer we work with is doing something important for the world, and it’s our passion to support that however we can.

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