Podcasting Your Brand

Producer Jaime Legagneur

Considering a podcast for YOUR brand’s content offerings? Be sure your show not only represents your brand’s quality, mission, and message, but is also maximized for success! Pick up what Producer Jaime has been putting down since 2014 and learn the tools to properly launch and then build your brand through the power of podcasting. Welcome to Podcasting Your Brand! Remember: “The only thing more powerful than your voice is your spirit to use it.” So, turn that mic on.

(Formerly, Business in the Bedroom)
Your Host, Producer Jaime, has been an award-winning professional podcast Host and Executive Producer since 2014. With tips ranging all the way from developing your show’s topic and the technical side of a podcast launch through higher-level aspirations of audience growth and monetization, Producer Jaime opens her books on how to achieve all your goals. She has built her business, Flint Stone Media, as a podcast production house and consultancy firm, successfully advising clients and her Florida Podcast Network hosts on branding through podcasts time and time again. And, on this show, she will also often dip into her past experiences in law school, as a web designer/developer, as an SEO expert, and as a data analyst to provide full-scope concepts to grow your business (with your podcast at the core). Plus, she’ll be bringing onto the show people who’ve been mentors, peers, community members, and clients to lend their voices, questions, and perspectives.

Producer Jaime has achieved many accomplishments in the space, often recognized as a pioneer and thought leader in the podcast industry. And, she’s excited to show you the secret sauce that she’s used to cook up success, giving you the ingredients to jumpstart YOUR podcasting. So, follow along with Producer Jaime (and her infectious laugh!) and learn everything you need to know about Podcasting Your Brand. She just LOVES talking about podcasting and giving back to an industry that has given her so much.

Remember: “The only thing more powerful than your voice is your spirit to use it.” So, turn the mic on!

(And, if you are looking for the Season 1’s episodes that give practical advice for newbie entrepreneurs [known collectively as Business in the Bedroom], you can still catch that first season of shows at BusinessInTheBedroom.com.)

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