David Stepania Founder/CEO of ThirstySprout

Wednesday 12 August 2020

On this episode of the Jason Cavness Experience I talk to David Stepania – Founder at ThirstySproutcavnessHR website: https://www.cavnessHR.comJason’s email: jasoncavness@cavnessHR.com@cavnessHR  across social media@jasoncavnessHR across social mediaWe talk about the followingThirstySprout.What do non tech founders get wrong.Advice for new developers to find their first positionWhy is HR important.David’s BioDavid Stepania (Co-founder & CEO) of ThirstySprout - a hiring marketplace for specialized remote engineering talent - (www.linkedin.com/in/stepania/) - David has over 10 years of experience in business development in high-tech industries. He grew his last business DataMicro, which sold Cisco Products from 0 revenue to over 20 million in three years. He has acquired customers from Fortune 500 companies including FedEx, Avnet, Progressive, and UPS. In the first incarnation of ThirstySprout he linked partnerships with WeWork’s entrepreneurial community and built engineering teams for companies like Rover

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