The Age of Jackson | Washington Burns
In August 1814, the White House burned. A fire that would eventually consume the entire nation in Civil War was already burning. This is Antebellum America. This is the adolescence of the United States, when the country grew at tremendous speed, and when fundamental questions about the kind of place it would be were being asked. Like, could the states put their individual differences aside to remain one country? And could this new country live up to its lofty ideals, especially when it came to issues like slavery or the treatment of Native Americans? There’s another name that sometimes gets used to describe a good chunk of this time period too: The Age of Jackson after the man whose life and Presidency played a huge role in shaping the country: Andrew Jackson. Support us by supporting our sponsors: Zip Recruiter - Get a free trial and learn how to hire smarter when you visit them at MasterClass - Learn from the best minds in a field that you are passionate about MasterCla