Timeless Vitality Podcast with Kate Beck and Amber Stitt

Timeless Vitality

Timeless Vitality is your go-to podcast for inspiring stories and wisdom that stand the test of time. Each episode, lasting 20-30 minutes, brings you conversations with dynamic individuals who share their unique journeys and insights. Hosted by Kate Beck & Amber Stitt, the show examines the core of what it means to be resilient, purposeful, and empowered.Expect engaging discussions that start with an introduction to our guests and their backgrounds. From there, we explore a recent challenge they’ve overcome, leading to a pearl of wisdom that touches on essential values like Purpose, Empowerment, Accountability, Resilience, and Legacy. We close each episode when we ask our guests: What makes someone or something truly timeless? Tune in to discover stories that inspire, empower, and leave a lasting impact.

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