A reliable and in depth sports podcast hosted by Dominick Artaz that covers the Denver Broncos for the most part, but also talk about league wide news and more. Are you a janitor at Ball Arena and had long day cleaning up after a Nuggets game and missed any major Broncos news? Tune in to your favorite Podcast. Want an opinion on a game changing decision to beat your cocky, sports guru father-in-law Fantasy? Check. Big baller in the gambling universe and need that slight push to help you place the right bet? We arent experts, billionaires, or Vegas, but we can do our best. Got a competitive animal in you? Maybe you would like to participate in our weekly Football Pick 'Ems and become the Pick 'Em Champion! Whatever the case, we hope you enjoy what we entail and become consistent listeners! Backyard Bullshit on 2, ready, break!

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