My New Book, Same As Ever: A Guide to What Never Changes
My new book, Same as Ever: A Guide to What Never Changes, is out today.
Books are hard, a multi-year slog from start to finish. But I’m excited for you to read this. I think it’s the best writing I’ve ever done. And it was fun to write! My hope is that you enjoy reading it half as much as I enjoyed writing it.
My first book, The Psychology of Money, was really about how you, the individual behave. Same As Ever is about how we, the collective, behave, and what we keep doing over and over.
It’s 23 short stories about what never changes in a changing world.
I’ve been thinking about this book for my entire career. I’ve always been skeptical of forecasts, because the world’s track record on predicting the next recession, the next election, or the next technology is so bad. That should draw you to the question: What’s never going to change?
What do we know for certain is going to be part of our future?