This episode of The Jason Cavness Experience is a replay of when I was a guest on The Silver Founders Podcast hosted by Michael JarmancavnessHR website: https://www.cavnessHR.comJason’s email: @cavnessHR across social media @jasoncavnessHR across social media CavnessHR Crowdfunding Campaign We are doing a rewards based crowdfunding campaign for CavnessHR starting March 2. We're doing this crowdfunding campaign to continue the build out of CavnessHR. Our rewards will include CavnessHR t-shirts, social media outreach for you and your company, ebooks, webinars and more. You can go to the CavnessHR Indiegogo link at We talk about the following How I got started in startups What we are building with CavnessHR What does all in mean Importance of being humble as an entrepreneur My Advice Be Great Every Day and Just get Started See for privacy and opt-out information.