Cherese Bourgoin for WA State Representative


Cherese Bourgoin has deep roots in district 45. As a native born on the Eastside, growing up walking in the Redmond Derby day’s parade and hearing stories recounted from times past regarding the founding of Redmond and how her family Perrigo and Tosh had a helping hand in developing areas we all frequent today. Having the great fortune to grow up in Kirkland, Cherese was able to take advantage of programs offered in high school to graduate with a technical license and diploma simultaneously.For her entire career Cherese Bourgoin has been in the service industry. Since 1997 she has been servicing her community starting in Redmond and then in 2002, she and her mother opened their family business in Kirkland. For the past 20 years her business has been active in supporting young adults entering the workforce and participating in the community. Cherese has always been an avid volunteer within her community and was recently awarded the Anne J Owen Community Service Award. As of recent she has taken that volunteering spirit into advocacy. Using her community presence to advocate for her small business community and fellow service providers.For 25 years Cherese has been listening to and participating in mini think tanks with her clients on a range of topics. Clients that are nurses, doctors, attorneys, teachers, food service providers, contactors, police, tech workers, hospitality, non-profit to private CEO. These past two years have dramatically impacted everyone and especially our labor force. Cherese noticed the shift in conversation once she was allowed to reopen her small business after 15 weeks of forced closure. That shift galvanized her to stand up for our service providers, our first responders, our teachers, our nurses, and our neighbors. We need an advocate legislating on the house floor that has the lived experience of being a service provider surrounded by tech companies. Cherese Bourgoin will be the only active service provider within the house of representatives. With her unique perspective she will help to bring real change to legislation that will positively impact the marginalized middle.Currently Cherese is the active VP of the Greater Kirkland Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. She sits on the eastside coalition of chambers and the public policy committee. Cherese is seeking election to the House of Representatives, and she hopes to earn your support. Cherese wants to start her legislative work to focus on restoring bi-partisan cooperation, stopping the current out of control state spending to avoid additional tax increases. Supporting our law enforcement providers to ensure our citizens are safe and our communities livable. Keeping K-12 kids’ education our state priority with real accountability to parents and to taxpayers for the massive funding increases provided over the last several years.Cherese will be going out into the community to meet with you, to listen and learn, to help ensure that she represents you as effectively as possible. She is the change we need; she is young, nimble, and ready to advocate for you.

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