The Union: Swinlok: Technoid Masters Vol. 7

Sunday 13 November 2022

Volume 7, 21 more technoid tracks to crush your enemies to. Play it loud and fucking rage . Like, Share and Enjoy Please! 07. 001. The Sect - Voices VIP 002. Fragz - Reboot 003. Current Value feat Snow - Shy Flame 004. Spinor - Moloch 005. Kaiza and Amex - PsyKo 006. Arje - Reconstruction V1 007. Switch Technique - Falling Believers 008. Katharsys and Forbidden Society - Lords of the Steel 009. Glenn Wilson and Mike Humphries - Aural Exciter (The Sect Remix) 010. Tamas and Horus and Larrge - Diablo 011. Neomind - Saturn Devouring His Son 012. Roomoff and Disphory - Vodokanal (Skafandr Remix) 013. IBS Faction - Curved Surfaces (Kaiza and Eiton Remix) 014. SPL - Fist 015. Aconit - Jilu 016. Horus amd Elien - Estratoscopio (Larrge Remix) 017. Tamas - Pulse 018. Swindler - Depth Charge 019. Bonus and Mechanical Pressure - Plutonium Victims 020. The Sect - Into The Abyss 021. N Phonix - Victimology

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