Episode 36: Dr. Sarah King on Ultrafast Spectroscopy and Studying Abroad

Tuesday 19 September 2023

A tool to help us study the structures of atoms and molecules, spectroscopy is used everywhere to solve big problems. From astronomers who are determining the distance of a distant star to chemists who are solving biochemical problems, spectroscopy has a unified purpose: to see better. On this exciting episode of Let’s Talk Chemistry (edited by Presley Vu), hosts Jasmine Winter and Nina Deng talk about their interview with Dr. Sarah King, a Neubauer Family Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the University of Chicago. She elaborates on her work on interface dynamics, ultrafast spectroscopy, and studying abroad in Germany. We hope you enjoy! If you like to know more about Dr. Sarah King, you can check out her research here or reach her by email at sbking@uchicago.edu.

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