A Screenplay for Eschatological Bible Prophecy

Alvin Mitchell

Hello and welcome to this first installment of our podcast on the subject of Bible prophecy. Many are the questions that people have regarding these monumental times in which we live. "Are we living in the last days", "is the United States mentioned in Bible prophecy", "how close are we to the return of Christ", "who is the beast; is he alive and among us now; is his 'mark' in force'", "how close are we to the Battle of Armageddon", etc. Rooted in a study of the Book of the Revelation, the studies presented here are aimed at bringing together all Bible prophecy so as to answer these and similar questions. The chief objective in this initial endeavor is to present of a verbal picture (a crude, perhaps, 'screenplay' of how our last days would look if acted out on TV or the 'big screen'), as it were, of how the end times might unfold, according to the word of God. In so doing, it will seek to establish a chronological order of events as they are most likely to play out, once God gives the go-ahead, beginning with the calling of His church home to Heaven (except for a few scripture quotations, there is no dialogue; only narration.). In addition, whereas scripture references used to construct the various 'scenes' will be mentioned, no detailed discussion will be undertaken, as this will be done in another study where we will do a "deeper dive" into the study of eschatology. So, again, thank you for joining us. We sincerely hope and pray that this and the subsequent podcasts to follow will be a blessing to you.

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