Let's Walk Business is the podcast where we take our conversations to the great outdoors and explore the inspiring world of women-owned business.I'm Judith Rayner, your host, and I invite you to join me on a transformative journey as we walk, talk, and dive deep into the captivating stories and practical insights from women who are making it work and doing things a little differently in their business.We'll talk about the challenges, the 'aha' moments, integrating life and work, and the ripple effect of what they do.The podcast will be a combination of monthly interviews and bonus solo shows tackling all things that being a woman with a business entails - from juggling the varied demands on our time and emotions, working to our strengths, doing what's right for us, our mindset, planning, self leadership and much more.I look forward to bringing you something a little different as we engage with nature and our surroundings as part and parcel of our conversation and introduce walking as a powerful business tool.Come and join me as we walk the wiggly path of success, our way.

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