Learn the secrets that publishers don’t want you to know…Did you know that there are authors making five, six, and even seven-figure incomes who aren’t traditionally published?It used to be that you had to be traditionally published to make a living as an author but that isn’t the case any longer. Every day new authors are joining the ranks of these Publishing Hackers and you can too.Don’t let rejection from traditional publishers or fear of technology stop you from publishing your book. Your book is just as valid as any traditionally published book out there. If you have written a book, you are an author.If you are ready to break free from these fears and are asking the question “What’s next?” this podcast is for you. Each episode we will:Meet authors who have hackers the publishing processLearn a crucial step in the self-publishing processMeet other authors who have just published their booksIf you’re ready to get your book out into the world and become a published author, take the first step by joining us on this journey.P.S. Your book is worth it.

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