Optimal Response Initiative (ORI)

Dr Kristina Seymour

The Optimal Response Initiative (ORI), a BEHIND THE SERVICE podcast, is exactly what it says: it’s about learning how to respond more optimally to life! The Optimal Continuum Response Line is a visual that illustrates the main goal of ORI: to identify where upon the line one is and in which direction one desires to move along the continuum regarding their response. Whether one is at a lower case better or a capital case BETTER is not as important as in which direction they are moving. ORI skills are similar to replacing an on/off light switch (all on/all off; all right/all wrong; all good/all bad) with a dimmer switch. The great thing about a dimmer switch is if you still need to punch it “on” quickly, you can; however, most of the time in our everyday lives, a dimmer switch is more realistic because, depending on the context of a situation, one may need to dial their response up or down. Join Dr. Kristina Seymour as she explores how to create your dimmer switch and THE POWER TO CHOOSE YOUR RESPONSE.

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