Autism365 is a Podcast hosted by Shannah Fleming,who’s a single mother of 2 children(both boys) with Autism. The Podcast talks about the daily struggles we as parents and caregivers face while caring for our loved one's with Autism. It talks about learning how to cope with the silent battles we often face,while on this journey of the World of Autism,because of the fear of "Being Judged". My goal in creating this Podcast is to show people that We All go through,We’re All human,No One is perfect..We All have our days where we'd rather Not deal with the world but Together We can get through it...One day at a time! I hope and pray that by hearing experiences from my life as well as my children's life,that it can be hope,encouragement, and motivation for someone who may be going through something similar. Make sure you Follow,Download,Comment below,and Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE!Monetary Donations are greatly appreciated to help support this Podcast.