Our consciousness is our only independent possession, meaning, we have the free will as to the mindset we choose to live life by in manifesting our innate creativity. We carry the energy of that mindset into our environment, and defend that energy with our emotions. We are energy interacting with energy, sharing and consuming innate creativity. When our mindset is in harmony with that which we are one,  life sustaining energy, we are mentally healthy Peace warriors with our emotions coming from the calmness within of Peace we all know. When our nurtured mindset is in conflict with who we are, we are mentally ill Pain warriors, chasing our tail coping with stress, anxiety, depression, etc., in our environment. As a society, it’s not that we don’t know that we have a mental health problem...it’s not that we don’t know the root of our problem...what’s really lacking is addressing the root in a way that heals our emotional pain. The prevalent mindset is to cope with being Pain warriors, but we don't have to. Get Peaced is here to be of service to healing.Why do I have the audacity to be of service to healing? Personal practical experience that no amount of theoretical knowledge can teach. Unless we've gone through the process, practically, of going from being slaves to masters of our mind, it's impossible to know how to overcome the challenges that come with it.Get Peaced is not here to try to convince anyone to change their mindset. It's for those that have chosen to do so, and need help on how to face the challenges that come with taking the road less traveled.

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